Know our strategists


Roshan P Shah

Founder and Chief Architect

Roshan Shah is Founder and Chief Architect of Railshouse. He has 23 years experience in Software Development and is based out of Waterloo, ON. Roshan is a certified project manager and has Bachelors in Computer Engineering, Diploma in Business Finance and Advanced Diploma in Enterprise Management.

Gagan Gami

Co-Founder and Sr. Ruby on Rails Developer

Gagan Gami is Co-Founder of RailsHouse, having 5+ years experience developing in Ruby on Rails. Gagan has also imparted Ruby on Rails training in many reputed organizations.

Ricky Shah

Chief Digital Strategist

Ricky Shah is Chief Digital Strategist for RailsHouse. He is expert in SEO and Digital marketing enthusiast. Ricky is based out of Vadodara, India. His primary role in the company is to handle Digital Marketing promotions and lead generation for RailsHouse Clients.

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